Month: December 2015

7 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Carly Ratcliffe

1. I train sheep, I do this thing called 4-H where I train a sheep all year and at the end of the year I participate in a sheep show where I show my sheep.

2. I really like eating lamb, It’s really weird because I train sheep but I still like to eat them too.

3. I am obsessed with RUSSELL CROWE!!!! He is just so amazing, most of you probably know this but I just wanted to make that clear, he is a super amazing, awesome, and famous actor who stars in a lot of movies.

4. My favorite food EVER is called rice-crispy chicken, yes it is the cereal rice-crisp’s, but it is very good in my opinion and it doesn’t taste like rice-crispy’s at all.

5. I love spinach, especially the kind that is mixed with the chikpeas.

6.  My favorite kind of music is called pop-punk my two favorite pop-punk songs are, “In The End” by Black Veil Brides and “Any Other Way” by We The Kings.

7. I have hatched chicks at my house and then my Aunt raised them at her farm. 


Fish In a Tree

I think that Fish In a Tree is a really good book. I think Ally is a really creative and sweet character. Ally is really smart too, she may not be able to read very well but she is very smart at other things. I am happy that Ally stood up to Shay.  Shay is not nice at all, I know many people in my life who remind me of her.  Albert is a very creative character, he is very smart and likable in my opinion. I am glad that Ally befriended Albert and Keisha.

Ally is much more outgoing but I don’t think she would be if it weren’t for Mr. Daniels. Mr. Daniels sounds like an awesome teacher and very kind to Ally, unlike her other teachers. He doesn’t just see a girl who can’t read, he sees a very creative girl with potential. He is a very caring teacher who offers to help Ally become the best reader and writer she can possibly be.

Fish In a Tree is a very interesting and fun book to read. I can relate to it in so many ways, I have mean girls in my life too. They aren’t mean to me but I have seen them pick on other people. Also sometimes I have trouble paying attention in school too. Overall, Fish In a Tree is a wonderful book and I can’t wait to read more!


By December 14, 2015.  1 Comment on Fish In a Tree  Uncategorized   

An Open Letter to a Curtain

December 8, 2015


Dear curtain,

The beginning,the middle,the end, you run the whole show. I am always so excited when you open up revealing all the crazy, fun, odd, and wonderful characters. We all smile our biggest smile and sometimes even let out a little giggle. Actors, actresses, and I are always so thankful that you help us start off strong. You excite me so much in the beginning, but you make me sad in the end. When you close after curtain call, it’s like an ocean of tears. It’s done, It’s over.  All the tiring and sweaty days we put into the show, ends just by you closing up, saying goodbye. The audience goes wild when the amazing show ends, they are like a wild pack of hungry dogs growling for more food. If we didn’t have you, the show would go on forever, we wouldn’t know when to end. You finish the savoring bows the characters have, you finish the roaring applause from a standing ovation, you finish the show that we put so much work into. Then it’s all over, until next show.


Carly Ratcliffe